WEEK #04 (2015-16) – Focus Focus Focus!

Talk about jet lag! One thing I didn’t mention in my previous Blogs is that while we were in China – we were up by 4am and in bed by 9pm. This was incredible because by the time breakfast rolled around at 8am I had accomplished so much. I enjoyed getting a full night sleep and being super productive the next morning. I decided that when I got back to Canada that I would try to maintain the same schedule. This first week is proving to a tad bit challenging. I’m back to work but feeling super tired half way through my day. Somehow I made it through the first 4 days back to work.

Now that things are somewhat back to normal I am not letting my old blueprint take over my sleep patterns.  Still getting up early and being productive before my family wakes up.  Mind you I am going to bed same time as my kids which they find amusing!

This week we laid more groundwork for the coming months.  I especially love the “Giving and Receiving Card”  This is also the week where things can start to get overwhelming in terms of what is required for us to do.  It is really important that all of us put EVERYTHING in our lives on the back burner and focus on your Masterkey first.  Other things will fall into place.  This is where the last 2 times I fell behind but eventually managed to catch up.  Not going to let that happen again.

Remember that this vehicle will change your life and give you a means to do anything you want!

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