WEEK 15 – Gratitude

I think one of the most powerful exercise in our MK program is writing out the gratitude cards.  Focusing on on what we are grateful for allows us to appreciate everything in our lives that others may not have.  Before I started this program I would often dwell on things that were missing in my life.  This behaviour would leave me feeling not quite at peace with myself.  Superficially I knew I had it pretty good but at the end of the day the glass was often half empty.

It was when I started writing out my cards and doing the exercise that I realize that not only do I have it pretty good …. I have it pretty damn amazing!  Once I started to write my cards the flood gates opened up and the gratitude started to pour out of me.

With gratitude in my heart all facets of my life are being seen in a different light.  At work I am thankful for my team who work so hard with me and for my patients who give me the opportunity to be their dentist.  At home I am thankful for my loving wife who pretty much runs our house.  I feel blessed to have 2 wonderful children in my life who always have a smile for their daddy.  I can`t begin to describe my gratitude for having a healthy body which allows me pursue my passion for sports such as ice hockey, snow boarding, kung fu, rollerblading, cycling, swimming, sailing.  Many of my friends who are the same age or younger have had to give up things due to knee issues or other ailments.

There will always be challenges in life but they can be dealt with more easily when there is genuine gratitude in our hearts.  I am so enjoying this journey.

11 thoughts on “WEEK 15 – Gratitude

  1. Pravir….this week’s blog is perfect! In so few words, you have expressed a million wonderful thoughts that sent glorious chills up and down my spine. I absolutely LOVE this post…Thank You!!!!

  2. Yes gratitude is very essential to our being and growth. Without it as you said you were always seeing the negative now you see the positives even though their are challenges.

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